Monday, April 1, 2013

Live the life you imagined…


I’ve been thinking about that quote a lot, especially this past week when I had a week off and was home with more than enough time to myself.

The life I imagined, is not the life I’m living:

I never imagined living 45 minutes away from the closest town and Walmart. I never imagined having 42 chickens being raised in my living room for their first few weeks of life. I never imagined living away from the mountains.  I never imagined having over 50 cows less than 20 yards from my front door. I never imagined making a life with someone.  I never imagined I would teach middle school.  I never imagined I would be up at 5:00 every morning to bottle feed baby calves.  I never imagined I would own my own horse, or go riding my own horse to help round up cows. I never imagined I would be a home-owner before I was 30, and with that home be re-doing the WHOLE thing.  I never imagined I would want to start a family.  I never imagined I would own 4 dogs at the SAME time (2 border collies, 2 toy poodle mixes).

All of the above are currently my life.  None of them are what I imagined.  Sometimes all of the above are really hard for me.  Sometimes I lay in bed crying because I am so overwhelmed with our lives and with what is going to be happening, and what is currently happening.  Sometimes I feel like it is too much for me to handle, because it is NOT what I imagined.


Then there are nights like tonight.  My honey brought home Chinese food.  It is the one and ONLY thing I really miss about Yuma.  It has the BEST Chinese I have ever had, and it is a LOT of food, for a very reasonable price.  (Seriously though, the BEST Chinese, my brother took us to a Chinese restaurant in Colorado Springs that he claimed was “the best” and it paled in comparison)

Looking at my beautiful Easter flowers, and eating my yummy Chinese food, I realized I may not be living the life I imagined, but I am living a pretty darn good life.

I have an amazing husband who would do almost anything to make me happy, I have a roof over my head that I OWN and can make my own however I decide to do so.  I have a job in the field I studied in, we are on our way to being self sufficient as we prep our garden and have all our chickens (30 broiler {meat} chickens and 12 hens). 

I may not quite be living the life I imagined, but I love the life I’m living and …


… I really am Living Happily Ever After.

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