Thursday, May 31, 2012



Cayonlands was kind of like Moab.  I have seen signs for it so many times, have heard of how cool it is, but have never actually been there. 

After the fiery furnace and our Double O Arch day, we were pretty exhausted and sore.  We took the “primitive trail” at the Double O to get back to the car, and we regretted it soon after. 

We drove over to Canyonlands, and I have to say, the rumors were true: it’s gorgeous!







This is my all-time FAVOURITE picture of me and Chris.  I love everything about it.





Oh, this boy!  He was afraid to go to the edge to look down.  I’m not really sure why.


I’m not really sure why, but I LOVE this picture of Chris.  His face cracks me up every time I look at it!


We did venture out on a few shorter hikes.  This was Whale Rock Trail, although we never did figure out exactly which rock was Whale Rock.


I’m superwoman!


I’m really glad we went to Canyonlands.  Hopefully we can go back again in the {near} future with a little more time.  We didn’t really get to explore/hike much in Canyonlands due to time constraints and weather, (the wind was AWFUL.)  But alas, it was still beautiful, wonderful, and relaxing.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chris turns 25!!

I know I’ve been updating you about my recent adventures, but I thought I would interrupt it for today, because yesterday was Chris’s 25th birthday!

He reminded me of a small child whose birthday was going to be soon. For about two weeks now, he would tell me about the puppy he wants, and what kind of cake he wants, and what we should do on his birthday. It was a little excessive, so whenever he would bring up his birthday, I would just say “you don’t have a birthday” or “it’s your birthday?” which he didn’t much like either.



Chris never specified he wanted a LIVE puppy for his birthday Open-mouthed smile and yes, he thinks I’m a smart-aleck but he did laugh.SAM_4921


This boy is such a kid.  He told me he HAD to have a yellow cake (from a box) with chocolate frosting.  How boring!  But he insisted that’s what he wanted, so I did, but had to dress it up a little.SAM_4925SAM_4926

This boy loves me so much.  I don’t know very many {grown} men who will willingly put on a party hat and take pictures.  But I insisted, and he did.


Taking a picture with his new puppy.

We ate cake, he opened his presents, and then we went to Chinese for dinner.


I am so lucky to have Christopher in my life, and even luckier he waited 25 years for me!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Spring Break {Part 2}


Can anyone say cheese?


The next day we really wanted to go into the fiery furnace, but the next ranger led trip wasn’t until Saturday, and we had to be back to Yuma by Friday evening.  Originally, we were going to be in Moab until Sunday morning, but about two weeks before we left for our trip, Chris got a promotion at work, and his schedule got changed.  I was kind of upset, because I had to change a few things around and I really wanted to spend more time in Moab, but I digress.








(the furnace from a distance)



Because there were no ranger led trips into the fiery furnace, Chris and I got hiking permits and went in on our own.  That was really fun.  We just took our time, ate lunch, and wandered around.  The furnace has no marked trails, and you get to wander around in the rock trying to figure out your own path.  It gets kind of tricky, but it’s fun because you get to boulder, and make your own way.




  I got stuck trying to squeeze through an opening we found.  So of course, pictures are the only thing on my mind as Chris snapped this photo…








The next series of photos, Chris went through this tiny opening thinking it led somewhere.  I told him it wouldn’t and that I would be waiting for him when he got back.  He didn’t get far:




Even though we were in the furnace for a good 3 hours, we decided to embark on another hike.  This was probably a mistake in hindsight, but we really wanted to fit everything we wanted to do in fewer days, so we left the furnace to hike the Double O Arch.


On the way to the Double O is the landscape arch.  Apparently, it wasn’t this big about 10-20 (I don’t remember exactly) years ago.  That some people were eating lunch under it and heard it starting to crack, and moved out just in time.  Crazy stuff!


Double O is definitely my favourite.  The view is incredible.


We decided to go see the Dark Angel as well, because it was about a mile loop from the Double O.  Definitely not worth it, but we snapped a few pictures just to say we had been there.
