Saturday, August 6, 2011


So I haven't had access to internet for the majority of the summer, so I haven't been able to update my adventures.

I haven't had too many adventures to report on, so no big loss... My main "adventures" to report on: I went to Silverton for the 4th of July, which is something you have to do when living in the 4 corners area, and I went hiking with my dogs on my days off. This past week I spent a week with my kiddos, and I'll post pictures soon....

My biggest adventure is about to begin however... I got a teaching job!!!

I will be moving to Yuma Colorado (I'm currently in transit right now) and starting New Teacher orientation on August 11th. Followed by a few days of inservice, and then a few days teacher work/prep, and then I will have my first students on August 23! I'm excited and nervous and scared all rolled into one.

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