Friday, February 15, 2013

Lovely Days

So I don't believe in celebrating Valentines Day.never have. People just thought it was because I was always single, but even in a committed relationship, still not a fan. Mostly because I don't like how it's turned out (so much like Christmas, where people ask for certain things) and because I don't believe in having a specific day to celebrate your love. I tell Chris that I would prefer the unexpected gift on any other day, where there is no expectations and everyone and their mother isn't celebrating as well.

Either way, both V-Days Chris and I have been together have passed by rather uneventfully. Last year, I told Chris I would break up with him if he got me anything, but wasn't sure how well he'd listen, so I got him a card and a gift just in case. Lucky for me, my Christopher is a listener, so I was prepared for naught, so I kept the gift for his birthday and gave him the card. It was a super snarky one anyway, so it really did fit the non-lovey-dovey-ness we were going for. Something along the lines of how I know I can be difficult and mean etc. and then you open it up and it says how totally worth it I am.

This year, we were in our fiscal fast for Valentine's (coincidence? I think not.) so I used some sticky notes to make this little number for when he got home from work:

The Yellow and Blue (because those are "our" colors) say 'I <3 YOU BECAUSE...' and the pink ones shaped in a heart are all the reasons why I love my Christopher.

Yes, I purposely put the one sticky note by itself off to the side.  There is a purpose behind it, and it also kinda worked as an end point! Double plus!

Chirs might get a little upset I shared this one with you, but it makes me laugh, and it is something he says almost daily.  And because this is my blog, for me, I'm putting it here.

We started watching "Next Great Baker" because of my weird fascination with Cake Boss.  On the season finale, Chris told me what is on the right in this picture.  Oh that boy :)

This is the one that is an "end mark".  It says "I can!" It is often a phrase uttered from my mouth when he asks why I love him :D We're so silly sometimes. Just looking at this makes me giddy.

I think little things like this are what Valentine's Day are supposed to be about!  Not about roses (which are "eh" anyway) and Candy and gifts and. and. and.  It's about expressing your love for one another, and Chris and I can do that without spending money.

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