Not only do I look like a criminal, but I felt like one too. I had my first breathalyzer test of my entire life, and was metal detected(?) before I was allowed to go up on the SkyWalk.
Getting nervous.
I’m totally crazy!
I really like this picture, like a lot.
Cool Photo Op, so of course I took advantage of it
The Skytower was really cool. I took a minute to warm up to the idea of walking around the outside of the tower, but after the first 5 or 10 minutes I was okay. It was really cool, and you could see soo much. Also, while I was on the the SkyWalk I saw a full rainbow, as in it was a full circle. And for a brief minute there was two. The most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life.
SO AWESOME! We went up the tower in Sydney and it was amazing. So cool...!