If most of you knew how my year was, you would understand why I was so happy to say goodbye to this past year. Most of you know bits and pieces, but to sum it up: the entire year sucked. Seriously. Good riddance!
I am more than happy to bring 2014, for so many reasons. I am sure it is going to be a better year. Plus 14 is my lucky number, a really good number, so I'm trying really hard to be optimistic that this year will be grand!
Chris and I sat down on New Year's Eve and wrote out a list of resolutions, personal and together.
I asked Chris to give me three to five attributes he wanted me to work on. With how horrible my year was, I let myself fall into a place I'm not proud to be in, and I really want to work on making him happy, because by making Chris happy, I will in turn be happy because I am making the man I love happy. (There's a lot of happy happening.)
My list (in no particular order):
Try new things
Forgive myself and others
Show Chris I love him
Be appreciative of what I have
Stop questioning Chris's love for me
Stop questioning our marriage
Have more confidence in myself
Be more willing to help (esp Chris w/ chores, animals, etc.)
Read my scriptures every day
Stop making excuses
Stop drinking soda (i.e. Dr. Pepper)
Drink at least 4 glasses of water every day
Write on my blog at least once a week
I dare you to guess which ones Chris came up with.
I am actually really happy with this list, and I feel it is very doable.
For US in 2014:
Strengthen our marriage/relationship
Trust each other more
Lose 60 lbs. ( this was actually listed separately for each of us, but I figure this was a little better, because then you won't know what we each are wanting to lose, but yes, we both have weight we are wanting to shed)
Pay off all credit cards
Eat at the kitchen table (we do, but we also eat on the couch a lot too. We want to get to a point where we only sit at the table, so when we eventually have babies, it will already be a habit)
Pay off one student loan
Go camping at least once
Tear down old house
Plant trees for windbreak
Clean up yard
Plant flowers in front
Expand garden
Finish removing "jungle"
Finish chicken coop
Clean up property
Fence for dogs
Stop eating out (i.e. Fast food)
Go 100% gluten free
Make shoe rack
Make memory table for Grandpa Wagoner's things we received
Make night stands
Make shelving
And because this is not Chris's space, I will protect his privacy and not post his list on here for everyone and their mother to read, but just know he also asked what things I would like for him to work on for him to be a better husband, and then he also added a few other items he wants to work on.
I have resolved to making a plan for our goals, because it's one thing to write them down, it's another to actually attain them, so a plan is the best way to ensure the best results. The first part of my plan is to type/print up our resolutions and put them in a place where we will see them and be reminded of them every day. We have created a plan for losing weight, and we are just helping each other as we go. We realize these things aren't going to happen overnight, and that's okay. We will work on one or two at a time until they become a habit, and then start on another.
Also, I realize our "us" resolutions sound more like a to-do list, and in a way it is, but that's okay. We are still going to be doing those things together, and by doing those things together, we will be working on the most important resolution we set for us, which is strengthening our marriage and relationship with one another.
So while I'm sure none of you care about what I resolve to do in 2014, it's a place for me to record my thoughts, to record my feelings, and to hold myself accountable. Also, this counts as a post for this week.