So I successfully made it through my first week back with students, and when I say "successfully" I mean I made it through without dying, or hurting anyone. But man oh man, it was probably my roughest week ever in teaching.
I came home exhausted EVERY night this week.
Poor Christopher had to deal with the brunt of it. Every night, after listening to Chris complain how hungry he was, I literally had to drag my butt off of the couch to make dinner, which I only successfully did twice, and when I say "successfully" I mean one night I boiled some pasta and poured some canned spaghetti sauce on top, and made French toast one night. Eating really healthy! YIKES! The other nights are a complete blur.
However, I've successfully managed to make sure I stayed connected with my husband. And when I say "successfully" I mean I kissed him when I got home and didn't talk to him the rest of the evening, and if he tried to talk to me I got really irritable and cranky.
I've also successfully managed to keep my house clean and especially the kitchen; and when I say successfully I mean I nagged at my husband for an entire week, until he spent his entire day off doing dishes and wiping off the counters I made dirty.
I also successfully took care of my chores, which means I completely neglected them, and Chris had to feed and water both sets of chickens because I couldn't remember the last time I even checked on them. Also, it means I spent a total of half an hour in my garden, all last night, and picked close to 20 overgrown squash.
It has definitely NOT been my best week, especially concerning my home life, but I actually have one success. The students I have this year are coming with some baggage (more on that another day) but essentially, they no longer know how to act in class. Usually the first 1-2 weeks of school are a breeze and then kids start testing the water to see how much they can get away with. This year from day one I have had to get on kids for behavior. But by Friday the kids as a whole were MUCH better, but by Friday I was tired and cranky, and more witch-like than I had been all week.
So I'm going to do a little retail therapy today with one of my favorite people in the whole wide world (Maraleigh), have lunch at Taco Bell with the same little girl, and tomorrow I'm going to SLEEP a LOT, and hopefully I will actually be able to say the weekend successfully prepared me for next week.
Oh gosh. Teaching can be so dang stressful. Hope your weekend really is a success. And Im glad you have such a sweet guy to come home to every night. That definitely helps Im sure. Good luck with week 2!