I have taken some pictures of some different things here and there. I find most of the pictures fascinating or interesting, and so I'm sharing them with you.

There's a couple things about this picture I like.
1. A restaurant name Hell
2. The phone number

A bus kneeling, hmmmmmm.

Not only are the round abouts a "give way" but so are the yeild signs.

Totally acceptable, and there are signs similar to this on a lot of mailboxes. Nice ay?

I love these manequins! How can you not?

coolest public restrooms

Self explanatory I would say.

Novelty items in a tourist shop, if you're in the mood for potty related lollies.

I have yet to figure out what
exactly hokey pokey is. But I can guarantee it's not a dance.

Super cool painting on the side of a building.

Illegal. Cool. Mount Monganui actually prohibits alcohol altogether in public places: AKA All the time.

a RIGHT turn arrow

An Eyeball with a graduation cap

Raspberry Swepps = YUM

They have all of their electrical boxes painted really cool. This one was a robot (in case you were having trouble deciphering that.) There were other ones too, but I didn't take pictures of them. Silly Tiffany.
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